Well-being in the context of job insecurity experience

Tatiana S Chuykova, Svetlana Galyautdinova, Mikhail Khukhrin, Christopher Alan Lewis

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Objective: The current paper explores the impact of job insecurity on employees' well-being. There is a great deal of international research devoted to the consequences of a job insecurity for individual well-being. But there is still little research on this theme in the Russian context. So, the aim of our study is to fill this gap. Methods: The research involved a sample of Russian permanent workers belonging to different occupational sectors (N = 226), the age of the participants varied from 18 to 62 years. Data were collected through following questionnaires: Russian versions of General Health Questionnaire (GHQ-12) and Flourishing Scale (FS). Our previous research provided support for the unidimensionality of both these measures in Russian samples (Chuykova et al. – in press). Subjective feeling of job insecurity was indicated by means of a following question: “Aren't you afraid of losing your job soon?”. We also collected some demographic data. Results: As a result we found that respondents with relatively high values in the feeling of job insecurity were characterized by a more pronounced level of emotional discomfort (according to data of GHQ, t = −2.2586, p = .02487) and a less pronounced level of flourishing (according to data of FS, t = 2.2113, p = .02803). Conclusions: Studies that considered the negative association of job insecurity with person's well-being have been received strong scholarly attention and support around the world. But so far, we cannot disseminate this conclusion in relation to Russian authors. We are at the very beginning of such a journey. Undoubtedly, such studies in the Russian context are extremely in demand. Acknowledgements: The authors are grateful to Russian Foundation for Basic Research (RFBR) for supporting our research (no.20-011-00934 «Human development under the conditions of socio-labour precarization.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)550-551
Number of pages2
JournalInternational Journal of Psychology
Issue numberS 1
Publication statusPublished - 30 Dec 2023


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