Welcoming diverse pre-science trainees: transformational practices

Caroline Neuberg, Robert Campbell, Daniel Cottle, Rachel Davies

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


In response to a crisis in recruitment of physics teachers, the DfE expanded those eligible for a bursary enrol on teacher education courses to include international candidates applying for physics teacher education courses. By 2024 the expansion of the physics bursary resulted in a exponential increase in the number of international candidates applying to science PGCE programmes. This significant increase masks the decline in home students applying for courses that lead to qualified teacher status as a science teacher
These changes highlight a major shift in the diversity of our preservice teachers, mirrored across all institutions involved in this project.

This shift compels us to reflect on and address the impact of our colonial heritage on our teaching practices. Yet, recent policy developments such as the Core Content Framework and the Early Career Framework require us, as teacher educators, to prioritize research-informed methods, which risk perpetuating a white westernised curriculum.

To gain new i

Academic conference

Academic conferenceAssociation for Science Education National Conference 2025
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