Using digital pedagogy to build connectedness

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    Through active engagement with delegates, this workshop demonstrates ways in which digital connectedness between students and staff is central to pedagogy post-pandemic, creating a new norm of engagement. Using examples from the presenters’ teaching and staff/student evaluations, the workshop will demonstrate that building digitally discursive and collaborative pedagogical activities enables social and cognitive engagement, constructing a sense of belonging both within the cohort and to the university. These pedagogical approaches are underpinned by the principles of student partnership, experience and community. We conclude by outlining how lessons learned in a period of crisis, can transform the pedagogical landscape.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCurriculum Symposium 2021
    Subtitle of host publicationpost-pandemic curriculum
    PublisherAdvance HE
    Publication statusPublished - 8 Jun 2021
    EventAdvanceHE Curriculum Symposium 2021: post-pandemic curriculum -
    Duration: 8 Jun 20218 Jun 2021

    Academic conference

    Academic conferenceAdvanceHE Curriculum Symposium 2021


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