The neuromuscular, endocrine and mood responses to a single versus double training day in soccer players

William Sparkes, Anthony P. Turner, Christian J Cook, Matthew Weston, Mark Russell, Michael Johnston, Liam P Kilduff

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    Objectives: This study profiled the 24 hour (h) neuromuscular, 25 endocrine and mood responses to a single versus a double training day in soccer players.

    Design: Repeated measures

    Methods: Twelve semi-professional soccer players performed small-sided-games (SSG’s; 4vs4 + goalkeepers; 6x7-min, 2-min inter-set recovery) with neuromuscular (peak-power output, PPO; jump height, JH), endocrine (salivary testosterone, cortisol), and mood measures collected before (pre) and after (0h, +24h). The following week, the same SSG protocol was performed with an additional lower body strength training session (back-squat, Romanian deadlift, barbell hip thrust; 4x4 repetitions, 4-min interset recovery; 85% 1 rep-max) added at 2h after the SSG’s.

    Results: Between-trial comparisons revealed possible to likely small impairments in PPO (2.5 ±2.2 W·kg-1; 90% 40 Confidence Limits: ±2.2 W·kg-1), JH (-1.3; ±2.0 cm) and mood (4.6; ±6.1 AU) in response to the double versus single sessions at +24h. Likely to very likely small favourable responses occurred following the single session for testosterone (-15.2; ±6.1 pg·ml-1), cortisol (0.072; ±0.034 ug·dl-1) and testosterone/cortisol ratio (-96.6; ±36.7 AU) at +24 h compared to the double session trial.

    Conclusions: These data highlight that performance of two training sessions within a day resulted in possible to very likely small impairments of neuromuscular performance, mood score and endocrine markers at +24hrelative to a single training session day. A strategy of alternating high intensity explosive training days containing multiple sessions with days emphasising submaximal technical/tactical activities may be beneficial for those responsible for the design and delivery of soccer training programs.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)69-74
    JournalJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport
    Issue number1
    Early online date5 Sept 2019
    Publication statusPublished - Jan 2020


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