The Intersectionality of Educational Inequalities and Child Poverty in Africa: A deconstruction

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    The developing world has continually faced tremendous challenges in providing social security and safety nets for its vast populations culminating in wider educational inequalities and extreme poverty. It is not uncommon in Sub-Saharan Africa to find rapacious wealth in the hands of a few co-existing with mass poverty. As a consequence, the majority of children in education have continually experienced low attainment levels and poor prospects in life. This paper discusses interrelationships between child poverty and educational inequalities since these aspects are critical to child development and social mobility and are poignant for developing nations if they are to re-align their economies competitively at a global level. The paper used an analytic review of existing survey data and literature on contemporary contexts in Sub-Saharan Africa, focusing on establishing understanding on child poverty and its impacts on children’s education and well being. In using data from the World Bank and United Nations agencies, the paper has been able to ascertain poverty indices affecting children; inadequate education investment levels; educational inequalities and how these have negatively impacted childhood education and development. Indications are that child poverty and educational inequalities continue to exist despite rising education investments in some countries. The paper posits strategies that developing nations may apply to improve childhood experiences and harness human capital, despite challenging levels of poverty.
    Original languageEnglish
    JournalEducational Research for Policy and Practice
    Early online date5 May 2017
    Publication statusPublished - Feb 2018


    • Child poverty
    • education
    • development
    • inequalities
    • Africa


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