The effect of lower limb occlusion on recovery following sprint exercise in academy rugby players

Natalie Williams, Mark Russell, Christian J Cook, Liam Kilduff

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    Objectives: The effects of vascular occlusion on recovery of physiological and neuromuscular markers over 24h, and hormonal reactivity to subsequent exercise were investigated. Design: Counterbalanced, randomised, crossover Methods: Academy rugby players (n=24) completed six 50-m sprints (five-min inter-set recovery) before occlusion cuff application (thighs) and intermittent inflation to 171-266 mmHg (Recovery) or 15 mmHg (Con) for 12-min (two sets, three-min repetitions, three-min non-occluded reperfusion). Countermovement jumps, blood (lactate, creatine kinase), saliva (testosterone, cortisol), and perceptual (soreness, recovery) responses were measured before (baseline) and after (post, +2h, +24h) sprinting. Saliva was sampled after a 30-min resistance exercise session performed 24h after sprinting. Results: Although sprinting (total: 40.0 ± 2.8 s, p=0.238; average: 6.7 ± 0.5 s, p=0.674) influenced creatine kinase (p<0.001, +457.1 ± 327.3 u・L-1, at 24h), lactate (p<0.001, 6.8 ± 2.3 mmol・L-1, post), testosterone (p<0.001, -55.9 ± 63.2 pg・ml-1, at 2h) and cortisol (p<0.001, - 0.3 ± 0.3 g・dl-1, at 2h) concentrations, countermovement jump power output (p<0.001, - 409.6 ± 310.1 W; -5.4 ± 3.4 cm, post), perceived recovery (p<0.001, -3.0 ± 2.3, post), and muscle soreness (p<0.001; 1.5 ± 1.1, at 24h), vascular occlusion had no effect (all p>0.05) on recovery. In response to subsequent exercise performed 24h after vascular occlusion, testosterone increased pre-to-post-exercise (Recovery: p=0.031, 21.6 ± 44.9 pg・ml-1; Con: p=0.178, 10.6 ± 36.6 pg・ml-1) however Δtestosterone was not significantly different (p=0.109) between conditions. Conclusions: Vascular occlusion had no effect on physiological or neuromuscular markers 2h or 24h after sprinting or in response to a physical stress test.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1095-1099
    JournalJournal of Science and Medicine in Sport
    Issue number10
    Early online date3 Mar 2018
    Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2018


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