Precarity, family life, class.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


This paper presents exploratory research on how precarity is linked to the daily struggles of people to achieve decent standards of life. It reports on daily struggles as (not-politically-organised) class struggles, so to outline possible links between social class and the precarisation of employment. In doing so, it aims to contribute to the debate around class and precarity. In this study, the social conditions of participants in precarious employment are shown as linked to socio-economic processes that tend to marginalise them and to reduce them to simple “labour-power”. The originality of this article is about presenting a theoretically driven empirical study on how struggles for secure employment provide a new insight on the “normality” of precarity: this normality is characterised by daily conflicts and it is not simply adaptation to given conditions, but it refers to daily class struggles.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - 15 Jun 2022
EventNew horizons in critical theory - Autonomous University of Social Movements, Online, Mexico
Duration: 15 Jun 202215 Jun 2022

Academic conference

Academic conferenceNew horizons in critical theory


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