Kinetic changes associated with load carriage using two rucksack designs

R Lloyd, C B Cooke

    Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

    50 Citations (Scopus)


    This study assessed changes in kinetics from unloaded walking associated with load carriage using both a traditional and a new rucksack design that incorporates front balance pockets (AARN). Nine subjects walked at 3(+/-0.05) km x h(-1) over a force plate unloaded and carrying 25.6 kg in each of the rucksacks. The order of trials was randomized and speed-controlled by use of photoelectric cells and a millisecond timer. Anteroposterior and vertical ground reaction forces were analyzed using repeated measures ANCOVA (speed covariate). There was a trend for the AARN pack to elicit a shorter support time than the traditional pack, 1.025+/-0.049 versus 1.037+/-0.06 s (p = 0.056), while the unloaded condition produced the shortest support time, 1.016+/-0.04 s. Both braking and propulsive forces for the rucksacks were significantly greater than for unloaded walking. While there was no significant difference between the packs for the braking force, the AARN pack produced a significantly lower (p<0.05) propulsive force than the traditional rucksack, 0.79+/-0.2 versus 0.94+/-0.16 N x kg bodyweight(-1). Both rucksacks produced significantly greater (p<0.001) vertical force peaks than unloaded walking, the increases being proportional to the increase in system weight. These findings indicate that there may be some advantage in terms of propulsive force production for the front/back system.

    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)1331-1341
    Number of pages11
    Issue number9
    Publication statusPublished - Sept 2000


    • Analysis of Variance
    • Female
    • Human Engineering
    • Humans
    • Kinetics
    • Male
    • Sports Equipment
    • Walking
    • Weight-Bearing


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