Education and Violence: The schools’ micro-politics and the macro-politics in Zimbabwe

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    This study examined forms of violence in Zimbabwean schools and sought to draw an analogy with the country’s macro-politics. Key interrelationships emerged which painted an endemic culture of violence. Over three hundred (300) students and eighty, (80) teachers submitted 2 - 3 page-written accounts on their schools’ micro-politics. Thirty, (30) trainee teachers and seven (7) lecturers also completed a qualitative questionnaire. Cartoons were also used to capture the experience of citizens in the macro-politics. The degrading and violent disciplinary networks applied by teachers on students in violation of statutory disciplinary regulations were noted. It was also established that knowledge discourses and new trainee teachers have been politicised into partisanship and intolerance, a situation that may serve to perpetuate a violent culture and compromise teacher professionalism. This article therefore discussed participants’ accounts and concluded by posing key points and recommendations which were seen as critical, if Zimbabwe is to untangle from the gripping forces of violence.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)219-228
    JournalEducational Research and Reviews
    Issue number6
    Publication statusPublished - 2008


    • Violence
    • Democratic education
    • Discipline
    • Authority
    • Knowledge


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