Developing social connectedness inside and outside the online classroom

    Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


    Through active engagement with delegates, this workshop demonstrates ways in which connectedness between students and staff is central to the pedagogical approach underpinning online learning. Using examples from the presenters’ teaching and staff/student evaluations, the workshop will demonstrate that building discursive and collaborative pedagogical activities enables social and cognitive engagement, constructing a sense of belonging both within the cohort and to the university. Students report on decreased isolation, loneliness and increased engagement, connectedness and well-being. The workshop will be theoretically framed within Garrison’s (2009) Community of Inquiry framework, and use Flipgrid, breakout rooms, polls, Padlet/virtual whiteboard.

    Academic conference

    Academic conferenceLeading student Engagement in Times of crisis and transformation
    Internet address


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