Developing a teacher identity and creating professional relationships

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


    The ITT Curriculum In 2019 the Government ordered an independent consultative review of all the Initial Teacher Training Providers in England. This became known as the Market Review. The outcome of consultation led to all ITT providers in the country having to apply for reaccreditation status. In the same year the Department for Education (DfE) published a document that replaced the previous Framework of Core Content for Initial Teacher Training (2016) had been created by experts in the ITT field, namely the Core Content Framework (2019). The ITT Core Content Framework (CCF) is designed to support trainee development in 5 core areas. · Behaviour management, · Pedagogy (teaching) · Curriculum (subject knowledge and planning) · Assessment (assessing pupils’ knowledge and progress) · Professional Behaviours Each area is presented in 8 sections and sets out two types of content within each area, key evidence statements, ‘Learn that…’ and details practice statements ‘Learn how to…’. The statements under pin the expectations of the whole Core Content Framework encompassing all the above key domains or areas. The domains define an entitlement for you as students as you begin to learn key subject knowledge and applied pedagogy from expert colleagues defined as Curriculum Based Learning and apply this knowledge and understanding of the in the classroom through opportunities to practice key skills, techniques and strategies in the setting during School Based Learning. The delivery of training on the curriculum and opportunities to review and ‘have a go at practising’ in school are carefully crafted so that they occur simultaneously (fluidly in a parallel). A deep knowledge of the content of the ITT curriculum and the CCF is therefore essential for all those involved in the training. The 8 sections provide a context and congruence for the Teachers’ Standards. These standards set the minimum requirements for teachers’ practice and conduct that have to be met by the end of an ITT programme.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationTraining to be a Primary School teacher
    Subtitle of host publicationITT and beyond
    EditorsMegan Stephenson, Angela Gill
    PublisherLearning Matters
    ISBN (Print)9781529672770, 9781529672787
    Publication statusPublished - Apr 2024

    Publication series

    NameReady to Teach
    PublisherLearning Matters


    • ITT curriculum Core ~content Framework domains


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