Bloomsbury at Monk’s House

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Part of a Roundtable: Contested Spaces
(Co-organized by BAMS and LCVS)

This roundtable will examine ways in which modernism and modernity co
-existed and competed with earlier movements and discourses, as they
contested the use and construction of the same physical (or geographical),
political and cultural spaces. Starting with four varied presentations (see
below), the roundtable will explore how modernists lived alongside and
negotiated spaces that were simultaneously occupied by earlier generations
who regarded themselves as progressive, while also critiquing how the
processes of modernism and the modernist project in turn imposed ideas
of progress that can now be seen as hegemonic and reactionary.
Presentations: Professor Mary Jean Corbett (Miami University, Oxford,
Ohio) on Kensington and Bloomsbury in the 1890s; Professor Jane de Gay
(LCVS) on Bloomsbury at Monk’s House; Professor Karen Sayer (LCVS) on
modernity and energy in designing C20th rural Britain; Dr Animesh
Chatterjee (Technische Universität Darmstadt) on the politics of
electrification in India
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusUnpublished - Jun 2021
EventBritish Association for Modernist Studies: Festival of Modernism - Online
Duration: 14 Jun 202116 Jul 2021

Academic conference

Academic conferenceBritish Association for Modernist Studies: Festival of Modernism
Internet address


  • Virginia Woolf
  • Victorian Studies
  • Domestic space


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