Being an ethical practitioner researcher: conducting your own research and applying research ethically

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter introduces the reader to research ethics, both from a legal, formal perspective, and in terms of being mindful of how research is carried out ethically and importantly, used ethically in the classroom. From carrying out your first piece of research, to applying research literature to your own setting, ethics is central to your decision-making.

The chapter will also cover self-care for researchers with a focus on practitioner research, with practical advice, guidance and sources of support for practitioner researchers on how to ensure their work is ethical.

Case studies will be shared of practitioner experiences in both carrying out research in terms of ethics, and using research literature ethically, and some examples of where ethics can go wrong and how to tackle challenges before and when they arise.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe research-informed educator
Subtitle of host publicationtools and techniques for effective teaching
EditorsMegan Stephenson, Ed Podesta, Angela Gill
PublisherEmerald Publishing
Publication statusIn preparation - 10 Nov 2024


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