title = "A Guide to St. Symeon the New Theologian",
abstract = "This is an accessible guide to one of the great mystical writers of the Eastern Christian tradition. The book details hid development as a monk (Shaped by the guidance and example of the Studite monk Symeon Eulables), his conflicts with the church authorities, and his inspiration of pupils such as Nicetas Stethatos. It looks at Symeon's conviction that only direct experience of God's divine light confers authorty in the context of his work as an abbot and spiritual father and also assesses the importance of tears, visions of light and obedience to the spiritual father in Symeon's teachings.",
keywords = "Divine light, Mysticism, Tears of penitence, Monastic obedience, Eulabes, Constantinople",
author = "Hannah Hunt",
year = "2015",
language = "English",
isbn = "9781625641168",
series = "Cascade Companions",
publisher = "Wipf and Stock Publishers",
address = "United States",
edition = "Cascade Books Series",