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Personal profile


Lisa graduated from Keele University in 2001 with a BSc (Dual Hons) in Psychology and Biology. She then went on to obtain her MSc in Clinical Neuroscience from UCL’s Institute of Neurology.

Her interest in the field of neuroscience, particularly learning and memory, took her to Durham University where she obtained her PhD in Psychology, the focus of which was the study of episodic memory in humans and animals. This involved investigating the underlying neural substrates as well as examining the defining components of episodic memory specifically with regard to their susceptibility to interference from other strategies of retrieval.

Lisa’s experience extends to working as an assistant psychologist within a learning disabilities service in North Yorkshire, a role that would eventually define her vocational leaning towards mental health research. She also worked as a research assistant/strategy support officer for the British Psychological Society Division of Clinical Psychology. Within this role Lisa gained experience in the strategic planning and policy making elements of the Society as well as communicating with Parliament on issues such as mental health legislation and human rights.

Lisa also worked as a health economist for the Collaboration for Leadership in Applied Health Research and Care based in the Institute of Mental Health at Nottingham University. This provided her with a more in-depth understanding of the principles of health economics and methods of analyses employed to determine the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare interventions.

From 2014-2016 Lisa was a member of the Mental Health Research Group at Durham University where she was able to further develop her research interests. Lisa’s research focused on psychological interventions, such as behavioural activation, in relation to depression.

Lisa's current research interests include:

1) Military mental health (including veterans and their families)

2) Student mental health and wellbeing

3) Resilience in young people 


Primary Investigator:

Webster, L.A.D., Whybrow, D. Ekers, D., Greenberg, N., Jones, N., Campion, D. & Bateup, S. (2015). Remotely delivered Behavioural Activation (BA) for serving military personnel, protocol development, feasibility of implementation and evaluation of treatment outcome. Ministry of Defence. 110K+ (awarded)


Stain, H., Webster, L.A.D., Mawn, L., Wadman, R., Alsubaie, M. & Lane, A. (2016). Social and Emotional Wellbeing in University Students: The impact of childhood adversity. The SoWise Study (on-going).

Ekers, D. & Webster, L.A.D. (2012-13). A service development and qualitative study examining Practice Nurse Delivered Case Management of Depression. Bradford & Airedale NHS. £48,000 and £20,000 respectively (completed)

Tiffin P., Finn G., Beckmann J., McLachlan J., Kasin A., Webster L.A.D., Mawn L. (2013). UKCAT Research Capacity Building Tender: £179,965 (completed)

Tiffin, P., Finn, G., Beckmann J., McLachlan, J., Kasin, A., Webster, L.A.D. & Mawn, L. (2014). Developing an evidence base for the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) test review. GMC. £20,000 (completed)


Journal Articles:

Webster, L.A.D., Chew-Graham, C., Ekers, D. (2016). Feasibility of training practice nurses to deliver a psychosocial intervention within a collaborative care framework for people with depression and long-term conditions: A qualitative study utilizing Normalisation Process Theory. BMC Nursing, 15(71), DOI: 10.1186/s12912-016-0190-2

Mawn, L., Welsh, P., Kirkpatrick L., Webster, L.A.D. & Stain, H.J. (2015). Getting it right! Enhancing youth involvement in mental health research. Health Expectations, 19(4): 908-919.

Murphy, R., Ekers, D. & Webster, L.A.D. (2014). An update to depression case management by practice nurses in primary care: a service evaluation. Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing 21(9): 827-833.

Ekers, D., Webster, L.A.D., Van Straten, A., Cuijpers, P., Richards, D. & Gilbody, S. (2014). Behavioural Activation for Depression: An Update of Meta-Analysis of Effectiveness and Sub Group Analysis. Plos One 9(6): e100100.

Welsh, P., Kitchen, C., Webster, L.A.D., Ekers, D. & Tiffin, P.A. (2014). Behavioural activation therapy for adolescents 'at-risk' for psychosis. Early Intervention in Psychiatry, 10(2): 186-188.

Tiffin, P.A., McLachlan, J.C., Webster, L.A.D. & Nicholson, S. (2014). Comparison of the sensitivity of the UKCAT and A levels to sociodemographic characteristics: a national study. BMC Medical Education 14: 7.

Ekers, D. & Webster L.A.D. (2013). An overview of the effectiveness of psychological therapy for depression and stepped-care service delivery models. Journal of Research in Nursing 18(2): 171-184.

Mofrad, L. & Webster, L.A.D. (2013). The treatment of depression and simple phobia through an interpreter in the North East of England a case study. The Cognitive Behaviour Therapist 5(4): 102-111.

Easton, A. Webster, L.A.D. & Eacott, M.J. (2012). The Episodic Nature of Episodic-Like Memories. Learning and Memory 19(4): 146-150.

Kikby, J.A., Webster, L.A.D., Blythe, H.I. & Liversedge, S.P. (2008). Binocular coordination during reading and non-reading tasks. Psych Bull 134(5).

Official Reports:

Ekers, D. & Webster, L.A.D. (2014). Practice nurse delivered case management of depression: Service development proposal. Bradford & Airedale NHS.

Tiffin, P.A., Webster, L.A.D. & McLachlan, J.C. (2013). Forecasting the impact of the mode of use of the UKCAT on the demographics of UK medical and dental entrants. Prepared for the UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) Board. UKCAT Consortium, Nottingham, UK.

Tiffin, P.A. & Webster, L.A.D. (2013). Influence of selection of UKCAT 'threshold' and 'factor' weightings for medical applicants in the 2010 application round of applications. Prepared for the UK Clinical Aptitude Test (UKCAT) Board. UKCAT Consortium, Nottingham, UK.

Tiffin, P.A., Illing, J., Webster, L.A.D. & McLachlan, J.C. (2013). The validity of the Professional and Linguistic Assessments Board (PLAB) exam: Research report. Prepared for the General Medical Council, London, UK.


Oral Presentations:

Mental Health Research Group R&D Conference 2015. Stockton-On-Tees. Webster, L.AD. The mental health of UK military personnel, reservists and veterans: A programme of research. (Oral)

RCN International nursing Research Conference 2013. Belfast.

Ekers, D. & Webster L.A.D. An overview of the effectiveness of psychological therapy for depression and stepped care service delivery models. (Oral)

CLAHRC NDL Mood Disorder Conference 2012. Nottingham.

Webster, L.A.D. & James, M. The cost of treatment as usual versus a specialist mood disorder team: An update on costs. (Oral)

Poster Presentations:

Sykes, M. & Webster, L.A.D. (2015).What leaders describe as affecting the adoption of healthcare improvements. The International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care, London.

Murphy, R., Ekers, D. & Webster L.A.D. (2014). An update to depression case management by practice nurses in primary care: A service evaluation. Wolfson Research Colloquium, Durham University.

Ekers, D., Webster L.A.D. et al. (2014). Behavioural activation for depression: An update of meta-analysis of effectiveness and sub-group analysis. Wolfson Research Colloquium, Durham University.

Education/Academic qualification

Postgraduate Certificate, Postgraduate Certificate in Academic Practice, Durham University

1 Sept 20141 Aug 2016

Award Date: 1 Aug 2016

Doctor of Philosophy, Psychology , Durham University

1 Sept 20061 Jun 2011

Award Date: 1 Jun 2011

Master of Science, Clinical Neuroscience, University College London

1 Sept 20011 Sept 2002

Award Date: 1 Sept 2002

Bachelor of Science, Psychology & Biology (Dual Hons), Keele University

1 Sept 19971 Jun 2001

Award Date: 1 Jun 2001

External positions

Fellow, Durham University

1 Sept 2012 → …

External Examiner , Birmingham City University

30 Sept 2001 → …

REF 2029 UOA

  • UOA4 - Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience


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