Jamie Cruickshank

Jamie Cruickshank


Accepting PhD Students

PhD projects

Areas of interest: My general background is in clinical/health psychology/counselling psychology and have supervised projects that are both qualitative and quantitative in nature.

In terms of supervising students, I am ideally looking for people who have a general interest in issues such as mental wellbeing, resilience, coping (both positive and negative aspects), bereavement and loss, religiosity/spirituality and public perceptions of mental illness, EDI (Equality, Diversity and Inclusivity) in Further and Higher education, Queer identities and Queer lived experiences.

In addition, I am interested in the following factors that might impact on the above-mentioned areas of interest: social media usage, social media bias, self-esteem, fear of negative evaluation (social anxiety), perceived peer acceptance, religious engagement, gender and sexual identity, cultural and regional identity, working in online spaces, social isolation and the effects of the covid-19 pandemic on the self, to name a few.

Largely I am interested in phenomenological investigations within psychology, focusing on what a subjective experience of something is, rather than do differences exist between variables, are they related and by how much. I tend to supervise qualitative projects utilising Grounded Theory or Thematic analysis. However, I do sometimes supervise quantitative work, largely focused on health-based themes by collecting and analysing survey data.

Personal profile


I am currently the Programme coordinator for Bsc (Hons) Psychology with Criminology and Psychology with Sociology at LTU, and module lead for Clinical Psychology(level 6) and Counselling psychology modules at level 5 and 6. Additional responsibilities include helping coordinate the departmental application for Athena Swan membership, coordinating introduction and welcome back week, and supervision of project students at level 6 and 7. I am currently acting as the co-chair for the LTU LGBT+ staff network, the LTU liaison with the Cathedral’s Group of Christian Universities, and a staff consultant in the development of a Curriculum for Social Justice: Health and Wellbeing Strand at LTU.

In addition to working at LTU, I have also been working as a resident bereavement counsellor for Liverpool Bereavement Service (2019-present). Full details of my teaching and supervisory experience and responsibilities are detailed below. More recently, I have worked as an external and internal consultant delivering workshops touching upon gender identity, LGBTQIA equality, diversity and inclusivity training for academic and professional services staff at regional colleges. This is in addition to provding training for students at level 4, studying for their degree in Children, Young People and Families.

Education/Academic qualification

PGCertLTHE, post graduate certificate for teaching in higher education

Award Date: 1 Sept 2022

Postgraduate Diploma, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Award Date: 1 Aug 2020

Postgraduate Certificate, Counselling and Psychotherapy

Award Date: 1 Aug 2018

Doctor of Philosophy, Methodological issues and neuropsychological outcomes following vascular and cardiovascular surgery., University of Leeds

Award Date: 1 Jun 2002

Bachelor of Science, (Hons) Psychology

Award Date: 1 Jun 1998

External positions

Residential bereavement counsellor, Liverpool Bereavement Service

1 Jan 2019 → …

REF 2029 UOA

  • UOA4 - Psychology, Psychiatry and Neuroscience