Personal profile
David spent over 10 years working in HE administration and public relations before becoming a full-time lecturer in 2007. He is currently the Programme Leader for Television Production, and has just completed a second MA in Education, with a focus on teaching quality.
Areas of expertise and interest
Cookery & Food programming
British Situation Comedy
Film Comedy
Crime Drama
Date |
Title of Award |
Awarding Body/Institution |
1992 1995 1995 2009 2010 2015 |
BA (Hons) Combined Honours (Arts) MA Communication Studies NVQ Level III Radio Production Skills PGCLTHE Fellow of the Higher Education Academy MA in Education |
The University of Liverpool The University of Leeds Bradford Community College The University of Leeds HEA Leeds Trinity University
Research interests
Current research interests
2013 - Cops on the Box: Reframing the Regional Detective - Paper at Glamorgan University
2013 - Arne Dahl and the dynamics of team crime drama - Paper at Oxford Brookes University
Professional & Scholarship Activities
I am a member of the Media, Communication and Cultural Studies Association (MeCCSA).
I attended the Edinburgh International Television Conference in August 2010, 2012 & 2013.
Reach out and ‘knowledge exchange’
I provide talks to Schools and Colleges on Media and Film provision within the Department.
I represent the Department at a number of external events e.g. Skillset and RTS (Royal Television Society) events and work with industry partners to help set up professional placements for students. This provides me with a better understanding of the relationship between the professional and academic worlds, which in turn informs my teaching and helps make sure I am up to date with industry changes.
Contribution of research and scholarship to learning
Current research is directly linked to the film and television modules I teach. Industry driven conferences attended inform present teaching and research.
The PGCLTHE has informed my early teaching by allowing me to incorporate a range of practical exercises and case studies discussed at Leeds. It has also been hugely beneficial with regard to designing not only the means of assessment but also new modules, and I have already developed skills in this area based on the workshop sessions as part of their course.
Staff development and training undertaken
2015 -Completed the MA in Education
2015 - Completed the Leeds Trinity Leadership Porgramme
2016 - To commence PhD at Leeds Trinity, building on my MA thesis
Research/Scholarly Activity
Curently working on research directly related to my teaching, in the area of television genres. This is taking the form of collaborative work with a colleague, examining the learning journey of contestants in MasterChef.
Teaching and Administration
Teaching experience
I have been teaching at Leeds Trinity for 11 years in total, and across all levels of undergraduate provision.
Current Teaching responsibilities
MFC4062 Introduction to Television (Theory) (Module Co-ordinator)
MFC4102 Genre & Film (Module Co-ordinator)
MFC5132 TV Genres (Module Co-ordinator)
MFC5142 TV Audiences and Research (Module Co-ordinator)
MFC6192 Global Television (Module Co-ordinator)
Major Administrative / Academic Roles and Responsibilities
Open Day/ Applicant Day/ Intro Week Co-ordinator for MFC.
Admissions Tutor for MFC.
Learning & Teaching Co-ordinator for MFC.
Student Staff Academic Committee (Chair)
Board member of the School of Arts and Communication
Teaching History
As outlined above, however I also give guest lectures for colleagues on other modules, and have recently given two lectures on the Level 5 Screening Performance module regarding comedy performances on film and television, partly informed by a conference attended on broadcast comedy. I also contribute to the Level 4 Mapping the Media Landscape module in semester 2.
Education/Academic qualification
Master of Arts, Education
Award Date: 1 Jun 2015
PGCertLTHE, University of Leeds
Master of Arts, Communication Studies, University of Leeds
Bachelor of Arts, University of Liverpool
REF 2029 UOA
- UOA33 - Music, Drama, Dance, Performing Arts, Film and Screen Studies
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