National SEN conference

Activity: Invited talk/public lecture/debate


National SEND conference: Gaining the Views of SEND Officers to Improve the Experiences and Outcomes for Children and Young People with SEND

The research on Gaining the View of SEND Officers has provided valuable insight into some of the challenges of the role and how they might be addressed to facilitate more effective working between families, schools and the Local Authority.

This research will be shared with the region and disseminated nationally to add the SEND officer voice to the current work around the Green Paper and plan for more effective systems in the future.

Key themes you will learn about in this session include:

Training requirements for SEND officers – understanding the challenges, and exploring opportunities
Improving clarity around the SEND officer role, and how this can improve working with other agencies
Variability of SEND provision and the impact of this variability for LAs, children, young people and families
Insight into the experiences of SEND officer and the impact that the role can have on them
This session will include time for questions.
Period21 Jun 2023
Event titleNational SEN conference
Event typeNon-academic conference
LocationUnited KingdomShow on map
Degree of RecognitionNational


  • SEND officers
  • Casework officers
  • SEND and AP Implementation Plan